
I, the very popular CIOU am back.
This time, not posting about my life, or puting up random, and some-what snazzy puctures. No, this time, I'm reeeeivewing books!!
Now, It'll take awhile for me to get this blog started, as I have read more books than the average twelve year-old. There for, bear with me. Thank you.

Theeeeee end.

P.S. To quickly scan through my reviews, look below, and look at the archives =)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Derksthai Trilogy

Dragon Moon Rising
This is the first in a new series. It's really good, I found it waiting for Harry Potter seven! :p
It has a good plot, and is written in a different way than most others. It's almost like a journal.
It's suprisingly graphic, well... Blood. So if you can handle some violence, I highly recommend this book :-)
It leaves you at a cliff-hanger though, and the second one hasn't come out yet.
Rating: 41/2 Snazzies!

Avi books

The History of Helpless Harry
This is a really funny book, it's another short one, only about 170 pages.
It's just a rather random book about this boy that gets into alot of trouble.
Hehe. The only thing, is the bad-guys a "Christian" and he sais the "D" word *shifty eyes*
Rating: 4 snazzies!
I'm waiting to get more books by him! =D

Greger the Overlander

AWESOME SERIES!! I LOVE these books!!
I haven't read anything like them, and the characters are very realistic.
The only thing I could see people having an issue with, is that there a giant cokroaches, and spiders, and dragonflies, and rats, and bats. But I got over it, as a matter o' fact, one of my favorite charries is a cokroach! Anyways... It had great plots, but leaves you with a cliff-hanger everytime.. Harsh...
Rating: 5 snazzies!

Warriors series

I LOVE this series! It's a fantasy about cats living in forest, and stuff.... I don't know why I like it so much, mostly 'cause it's full of kitties =D
It's divided into three series,
1. Warriors
2. Warriors a/the new prohpecy
3. Warriors-Power of three
It's a long, long loooong series, so if you don't like long series. You probably shouldn't read 'em
The first series has an amazing plot, but there are a few spots where it's rather boring, they're just hunting for mice and stuff, but It's usually not long, and the auther has a way with making it strangly entertaining.
Another thing that's confusing is the names, I remember when I first started, I could NOT keep the cats strait! There are lots of cats, and so lots of names. It's confusing at first to remember who's brothers with who, and who's the mom of that one cat. But you get used to it =D
Rating: 5 snazzies!

WWII era books

Number the Stars
This is a really good boook. It makes for a short read, it's only like, 100 pages from what I can remember. It's really, really good, and Is full of suspense. I think it covers(from what I know) what it would be like for a Jew in WW2.
Rating:4 snazzies!

When the soldiers Were Gone
This is a rather..... Random book, I read it in about an hour, it was so short. But I still liked it.
It's in a little boys point of view during WW2, and he's with a foster Christian family. So it takes place actually right after the war, he comes back with his real family, and doesn't remember them at all, 'cause he grew up with the Foster one. It's interesting.
Rating: 31/2 snazzies!
I know I've read more than just these two, but I forgot them, I suppose. It might be updated.. If I can remember.